Do you have your puppy yet? My lil guy was so easy to house break. I chose to take him outside to do his business instead of puppy pads. I did not train him to ring a bell since I was concerned I would not hear it. But it is all personal preference. At night Levi was kept in a crate. The first thing in morning he would immediately be taken outdoors, to do his business, I would tell him what a good boy he was and give him a treat. Puppies bladders are small, so they have to been taken out frequently, I took him out every hour or so. Levi circled when he was going to pooh, so that was easy for me to pick him up and get him out when I saw him circling. Usually after eating, they need to pooh. I also blocked him in a room with me so I could watch him in the evenings.
In less then 2 weeks he was house broken. These dogs are so smart. He tells me when he wants to go out by opening his mouth a yawning at me. (whatever works I guess). When I don't see him do it he with pat me with his paw or even bark to get my attention. I love him so much. He is such a good dog. I have had many dogs in my life time, but my Levi is my heart.
You will do fine with the training, Ocherese love to please the ones they love.

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